Actionable Tricks on How to Optimize Your Website for Google RankBrain


Small Business Advertising - Google RankBrain is the machine learning artificial intelligence system (AI) that Google uses to process search queries before returning the search results. Through RankBrain, you get the most accurate/ relevant results. Unlike other algorithms, RankBrain uses vectors to find meaning in the words and phrases keyed in so that the results you get are exact or as close as possible to what you are looking for.


As the third-best ranking signal, your small business advertising will hit the roof when you know what Google looks for to rank you highly. RankBrain works best when the queries are unknown or unique.


How to optimize for RankBrain



Make use of irresistible snippets


If you are looking for an opportunity to increase your click-through-rates and to increase your success in the process, you should consider using impressive snippets. For this, your page titles and the Meta descriptions should echo the needs of your users. For further information on small business marketing, visit this website.


Create conversational content


Even when trying to please RankBrain, you should always write for humans, your target market. Your focus should be on improved user experience through the analysis and improvement of your users’ experiences. Keep your content conversational, natural, and relatable.


Refresh your existing content


As a branding agency in Dublin, you have content you are proud of, but it no longer attracts as much traffic. Why not rehash the content’s glory days by refreshing that content to be relevant today?


Get high-quality and authority links


Backlinks from the authority sites will always determine your ranking. The links also affect your Domain Authority. You should also invest in tracking your link profile to remove spams and toxin links.


Finally, update your technical SEO.


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